
Ship Sailing

DSME Develops AI System to Deal with Shipowners

March 5, 2019, noon

A design system for supporting ship sales using artificial intelligence (AI)

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CEO DK Pitching at Techstars

Tech startup 42Maru eyes foreign market with deep learning solution

March 8, 2019, noon

42Maru is moving to expand its presence in Britain

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[Press release] We can perform the Liberation of Algorithm that neither Google nor Naver could.jpg

[언론보도]구글·네이버도 못한 ‘손고리즘 해방’ 우리가 해내겠다

Aug. 19, 2019, 1 p.m.

스탠포드대 주관 기계독해 대회 SQuAD 2.0 1위 등극 (구글 AI 팀과 공동 1위)

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[Press release] Dong-Hwan Kim, 42Maru CEO, Search System, Jump up with AI 2.jpg

[언론보도] 김동환 42Maru 대표, “검색 시스템, AI로 비상”

July 1, 2019, 9 a.m.

딥 시맨틱 QA 시스템을 대우조선해양에 적용하여 업무효율성 향상

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