Customer AI-Based Chatbot
AI-enabled chatbot to instantly give your customers the information they are looking for. All they need to do is ask.

About LG U+ (LG Uplus Corp.)
LG U+ is one of Korea’s main telecommunication operators, with 14M customers worldwide. Recently launching the nation’s largest LTE service, they are now leading with 5G technology
The Challenge
With a huge range of online products, LGU+ provide customers with intelligent recommendations, not only a list of product search results. Having tested other chatbot solutions, customers were left frustrated with the lack of quality responses.
Our Solutions
The LG U+ chatbot, deployed across the e-commerce store, uses both webpage level product information and item documentation to recommend products based on user preferences. The service provides real-time responses for users and automatically updates with the launch of new devices.
LG U+ phone plans were combined with a conversational and friendly chatbot to create an experience for customers online. The ability to quickly and easily compare different phone plans was built in, with each plan recommended based on user preferences that the chatbot collected.
Download Case
Customer Support Chatbot Case [PDF]
[894.6 KB]

98.2% answer accuracy leads to more successful interactions 98.2% answer accuracy of returned results

Can compare specs and offer the best options to users questions
Automatically search and compare content within documents, to quickly review similarities and differences.
Automatically compare client specification documents with your standard specification to evaluate project feasibility and respond to clients faster.